Equality PAC Marks 2nd Anniversary of House Passage of the Equality Act

Washington, DC – Today, Equality PAC Co-Chairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) and Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) release the following statement marking the 2nd anniversary of House passage of the Equality Act, landmark civil rights legislation that enshrines numerous LGBTQ rights into federal law.

“Two years ago, under the leadership of Congressman David Cicilline and members of the Equality Caucus, the House took the historic bipartisan step of passing the Equality Act,” said Equality PAC Co-Chairs Ranking Member Mark Takano and Congressman Ritchie Torres. “We remain committed to doing everything in our power to getting the Equality Act over the finish line. Over the course of the last two years, state legislatures have been emboldened to continue attacking our community, seeking to legalize discrimination against us. Enacting the federal protections that are in the Equality Act is the only way to protect the LGBTQ community and save lives. It is long past time Congress pass the Equality Act and we will not stop until this bill is signed into law.”  

Equality PAC is the political arm of the Congressional LGBTQ Equality Caucus and is dedicated to the full legal and societal equality for LGBTQ Americans. All funds raised into Equality PAC are spent supporting and electing openly LGBTQ individuals and strong LGBTQ allies to the United States Congress who are committed to passing the Equality Act and to ensuring full civil rights and protections for all LGBTQ Americans.


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