Equality PAC Statement on Washington State’s 6th Congressional District Primary Results

Washington, DC – Today, Equality PAC released the following statement on Washington state’s 6thCongressional District Primary results where Equality PAC endorsed candidate State Senator Emily Randall advanced to the November general election. When elected, Randall will be the first openly LGBTQ Member of Congress from Washington state and the first openly LGBTQ Latina elected to Congress in history.

“Emily Randall’s campaign for this seat started from the ground up, and Equality PAC was proud to jump in early and throw our support behind her grassroots effort,” said Equality PAC Co-Chairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) and Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY). “Equality PAC has a strong record of identifying candidates that can create diverse coalitions that can win at the ballot box. Emily is one of those truly unique candidates and we believed in her campaign from the start. Throughout this difficult primary campaign, Equality PAC invested over $700,000 to ensure that Emily would advance to the November general election. Through her tenacity, determination, strength, and with the help of Equality PAC’s supporters, Emily’s campaign never lost momentum. And when elected in November, we will add a new voice to the Equality Caucus that will help us defend LGBTQ rights and freedoms as a part of our new Pro-Equality Majority in the House. We are excited to continue to support Emily and her campaign to ensure we keep Washington state’s 6th Congressional District blue this November.”

Equality PAC’s mission is simple: to elect more LGBTQ+ persons to Congress — individuals who will have a seat at the table, impact the debate, and humanize the LGBTQ community’s concerns. All the funds we raise are used to elect and re-elect LGBTQ persons to Congress and secondarily support strong LGBTQ community allies who will proudly and unapologetically stand with us in the fight to pass the Equality Act and equal protection under our nation’s laws.

In the short time that Equality PAC has existed, Equality PAC has played an unmatched role in making history for the LGBTQ community, electing LGBTQ leaders at the federal level such as current House Members Sharice Davis (Kansas); Ritchie Torres (New York); Becca Balint (Vermont); Robert Garcia (California); Eric Sorensen (Illinois); Angie Craig (Minnesota); and Chris Pappas (New Hampshire), as well as former House Member Mondaire Jones (New York). Equality PAC has been instrumental in winning key races that have determined control of Congress because we know that without pro-Equality majorities, the progress our community has made and the civil rights and equal protections we have fought so hard for, and are still fighting for every day, remain in jeopardy. 


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