Equality PAC Statement on President Biden’s Decision to Drop Out of Race

Washington, DC – Today, Equality PAC’s Co-Chairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) and Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) released the following statement on President Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Election. “President Joe Biden is a patriot and a true believer in our democratic republic. His lifetime of public service has inspired many and this act, stepping away from our Party’s nomination, will help cement his strong legacy. 

He has been the most pro-LGBTQ President in American history, and along with Vice President Kamala Harris, have gone to unprecedented lengths to defend our community, protect our rights, and create a nation that is inclusive of all. President Biden’s service to the LGBTQ community is one that will be remembered for generations to come and we are incredibly grateful for the work his administration has done on behalf of LGBTQ Americans.  
The stakes could not be higher in this election for LGBTQ Americans. Every day, members of our community, especially members of the trans community, are demonized and attacked by Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists that seek to paint these patriotic Americans as a group that should be feared. We cannot let this type of hatred win, and we must support a candidate for President that shares the values of equality, inclusivity, and decency. 
That candidate is Vice President Kamala Harris. There is no one more prepared to take on the position as President than Vice President Harris. From her days as Attorney General of California, Vice President Harris has staunchly defended the LGBTQ community, making sure our rights were not only protected but enshrined into law. We look forward to working with her in the next administration, alongside a new Pro-Equality Majority in the House, to pass the Equality Act and ensure all LGBTQ Americans have equal rights under the law.”

Equality PAC’s mission is simple: to elect more LGBTQ+ persons to Congress — individuals who will have a seat at the table, impact the debate, and humanize the LGBTQ community’s concerns. All the funds we raise are used to elect and re-elect LGBTQ persons to Congress and secondarily support strong LGBTQ community allies who will proudly and unapologetically stand with us in the fight to pass the Equality Act and equal protection under our nation’s laws. 

In the short time that Equality PAC has existed, Equality PAC has played an unmatched role in making history for the LGBTQ community, electing LGBTQ leaders at the federal level such as current House Members Sharice Davis (Kansas); Ritchie Torres (New York); Becca Balint (Vermont); Robert Garcia (California); Eric Sorensen (Illinois); Angie Craig (Minnesota); and Chris Pappas (New Hampshire), as well as former House Member Mondaire Jones (New York). Equality PAC has been instrumental in winning key races that have determined control of Congress because we know that without pro-Equality majorities, the progress our community has made and the civil rights and equal protections we have fought so hard for, and are still fighting for every day, remain in jeopardy. 


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